
ఆర్టెమిస్ మూన్ మిషన్: డీప్ స్పేస్ మానవ నివాసం వైపు 

Half a century after iconic Apollo Missions which allowed twelve men to walk on the చంద్రుడు 1968 మరియు 1972 మధ్య, నాసా is set to embark on ambitious Artemis Moon Mission designed not only to create long term మానవ presence on and around the చంద్రుడు but also to learn lessons in preparation for మానవ missions and habitations on మార్చి. డీప్ స్పేస్ మానవ habitation, enabling మానవులు to become a multi గ్రహం species to thwart the risk of extinction is still a very far dream however a beginning is to happen in near future.

“Since, in the long run, every గ్రహ civilization will be endangered by impacts from స్పేస్, every surviving civilization is obliged to become spacefaring—not because of exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical reason imaginable: staying alive.” – కార్ల్ సాగన్, 1994.

Artemis I, an uncrewed flight test, the first in a series of అర్తెమిస్’s increasingly complex missions to the చంద్రుడు, is scheduled to lift off on 29 August 2022. This will pave the way for future crewed flights (Artemis II, Artemis III, and beyond) to the చంద్ర surface. In 2024, Artemis will land the first woman and the first person of colour on the చంద్రుడు.  

ఏమి సెట్స్ అర్తెమిస్ apart is its aim to build a base camp on the lunar surface to give astronauts a place to live and work on the చంద్రుడు. Artemis Base Camp includes a modern cabin, a rover, and a mobile home. It is true that మానవులు have been living and working on International స్పేస్ Station (ISS) for several years however Artemis Mission will allow astronauts to live on the surface of another celestial body, hence one can argue that Artemis would be first concrete step towards colonisation of deep స్పేస్. This aspect makes Artemis special.  

The Artemis చంద్రుడు మిషన్, NASA యొక్క collaborative programme with European స్పేస్ Agency (ESA) and Canadian స్పేస్ Agency (CSA) has three objectives –scientific discovery, economic benefits, and inspiration for new generation. There are six components of the mission  

  • Orion spacecraft: The exploration vehicle that will carry crew to స్పేస్, provide emergency abort, sustain the crew during the travel and provide safe re-entry to the Earth.  
  • స్పేస్ Launch System (SLS) Rocket: The heavy-lift rocket that will launch Orion spacecraft. 
  • ఎక్స్‌ప్లోరేషన్ గ్రౌండ్ సిస్టమ్స్ (EGS): తిరిగి వచ్చే వ్యోమగాముల ప్రయోగానికి మరియు రికవరీకి మద్దతు ఇస్తుంది. 
  • The Gateway: the spaceship in lunar కక్ష్య that will serve as multi-purpose outpost కక్ష్యలో ది చంద్రుడు where astronauts will transfer between Orion and the lander. This will provide essential support for long-term మానవ return to the lunar surface  
  • మానవ Landing System: Lander will take astronauts from the Gateway in the lunar కక్ష్య యొక్క ఉపరితలం వరకు చంద్రుడు and back to the Gateway in the కక్ష్య
  • Artemis Base Camp: will serve as the home and the workplace for a crew of four astronauts on the surface of the చంద్రుడు for about 30-60 days. This will enable crew is to stay on the చంద్రుడు for up to two months at a time. 

మానవ habitation system is the key piece of the mission for living longer in deep స్పేస్ both for extending duration of operation as well as for optimal physical and mental wellbeing of the astronaut. This is certainly an imperative for future mission to మార్చి. The Transit Habitat is envisioned for long-duration missions.  

తగిలిన మానవ habitation on the surface of the చంద్రుడు is a very ambitious goal because of unique challenges posed by the lunar environment and the remoteness from the Earth. Notwithstanding this, experiences gained in successful operation of International స్పేస్ Station (ISS) for over two decades should contribute in Artemis చంద్రుడు మిషన్.  

The Artemis Base Camp, as humanity’s first long-term home on land outside Earth will enable మానవ missions to మార్చి. With this, the idea of making మానవులు బహుళ-గ్రహం species begins.



  1. నాసా ఆర్టెమిస్. వద్ద అందుబాటులో ఉంది https://www.nasa.gov/specials/artemis/ 
  1. నాసా ఆర్టెమిస్ ప్రోగ్రామ్. వద్ద అందుబాటులో ఉంది https://www.nasa.gov/artemisprogram 
  1. G. Flores, D. Harris, R. McCauley, S. Canerday, L. Ingram and N. Herrmann, “Deep స్పేస్ Habitation: Establishing a Sustainable మానవ Presence on the Moon and Beyond,” 2021 IEEE Aerospace Conference (50100), 2021, pp. 1-7, doi: https://doi.org/10.1109/AERO50100.2021.9438260 
  1. NASA. Artemis Deep Space Habitation: Enabling a Sustained మానవ Presence on the Moon and Beyond. Available at https://ntrs.nasa.gov/api/citations/20220000245/downloads/Artemis%20Deep%20Space%20Habitation%20Enabling%20a%20Sustained%20Human%20Presence%20on%20the%20Moon%20and%20Beyond%20(3).pdf 


ఉమేష్ ప్రసాద్
ఉమేష్ ప్రసాద్
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